February 23, 2015

32 week happenings

This week is flying by! We had a doctor's appointment last week, and everything is looking good, the baby is head down, moving/wiggling like it's his job (which I guess it is!), and we are now starting our bi-weekly appointments.

Josh and I were talking the other night about this pregnancy, compared to the first. I try so hard not to compare them, I don't want to start any bad habits, but it seems inevitable that there will be a little comparing, especially while I'm pregnant and don't know what this baby's personality will be. 

In so many ways it has been similar: having boys seems to be our thing, little to no nausea in the first trimester, the Patriots played the Superbowl, Josh and I are on the same page when it comes to the nursery decor and L&D plans, etc. But it has been different in the sense that I have a lot more energy (especially in the third trimester), I'm able to enjoy this pregnancy more because I know what to expect, the Patriots won the Superbowl, my belly goes out (with Cole my belly was wider), I've done way more research into several different aspects of pregnancy/L&D/postpartum, lastly (and probably my favorite thing this time around) I'm not peeing myself...yet. 

We've begun the last bit of Amazon ordering for baby stuff. Thank you to our parents for sending items off of our wishlist! I just need to remember that even though I have a lot more energy this time around, I can't do everything by myself, I must wait for Josh to get home from work. Do not lift the heavy boxes, do not lift the heavy boxes, do not lift the heavy boxes!

I think that's pretty much it for this week, 7 weeks, 3 days left!

P.S. Memo to me: don't try and take a bump shot unless it's nap time, This ham saw my camera and ran over and started cheesing hardcore. I wouldn't have it any other way though!

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