October 18, 2011

Uncharted TerriTori

Little known fact, I love Tori Spelling! I find her absolutely fascinating! When Josh and I were in Omaha visiting before we left for Germany, we found out that Borders was closing. We wanted to check it out, see if there were any good books left and while combing the shelves I came across this little guy!

I have always wanted to read Tori's book, but I just hadn't had the time. This is her third book, but I don't feel as though I have missed out on anything from the previous books. These are her stories, her memories. She has such a simple, easy way of telling these stories that you almost feel as though you are right there with her as it happens.

What I like about this book and her show Tori and Dean is that she doesn't have this "I'm a celebrity, so I'm entitled," quite the opposite in fact. Plus, she makes me feel like less of a crazy; I have an overactive imagination to say the least, and it's nice to know that I'm not the only one that thinks people are out to try and mug or kill me. So if that make me a little crazy, well I'm not alone!

I highly recommend this book!

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