March 10, 2012

Blackout Curtains

Thanks to the good ol' Air Force, Josh's work schedule has been rearranged for the second time in two weeks. He will now be working from midnight to 9, which means he'll be sleeping during the day. Before finding out that he would be switching to this lovely schedule, we decided it was finally time to buy some curtains for our room. We must've secretly known that he was going to be spending a good portion of his day sleeping because we ordered blackout curtains.

Best. Decision. Ever.

Talk about good timing. Josh's last day on the swing shift was yesterday, so last night we hung up our new curtains and prayed they were going to be good quality! I slept later than I usually do and Josh is still asleep and it's almost 2pm here! To be fair, I have no idea what time he ended up going to bed because this preggers crashed quickly, thanks to the newly darkened room.

Now to buy some for the Etcha's room!

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